Pastor Donna O. Johnson Mackey
Pastor Donna O. Johnson Mackey is the founder and president of the Guaranteed 4.0 Learning System. She developed this systematic framework while pursuing a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Texas in Austin. Donna O. then joined Amoco Corporation and held various engineering and management positions. After serving as an executive director in the nonprofit sector, Donna O. launched the Guaranteed 4.0 Learning System as a brain-based, easy-to-follow, strategy for the facilitation of learning and retaining information. With a Ph.D. in Cognitive Science and over twenty-five years of practical experience in systemic learning, she has now enhanced the 4.0 plan and continues to empower students, faculty, and professionals worldwide with
accelerated learning and development.
Donna O. has been involved in ministry for 30+ years as a youth/young adult Pastor, church planter, certified counselor, and pastor. Donna O is a native Texan, now residing in the greater Dallas area with her beloved husband Milton.